"I was reading the news and started feeling depressed about Obama's health plan, the war, the economy, home values. I called Lifeline and got a call center in Pakistan. I told them I was suicidal. They got all excited and asked if I could drive a truck."
That was someones status on Facebook and it made me laugh. :)
Found a recipe for pumpkin whoopie pies and two types of fillings - one with cream cheese, the other with fluff and maple extract. Plan to try both soon or even attempt to combine them - maple cream cheese anyone?
Took Eliya out shopping today. She really likes little child size chairs. If we find one and she gets to sit in it, she really doesn't like to get off. Actually raises a bit of a ruckus when I make her leave. I'm going to search for a little rocker for our home.
A cardboard box, a butter knife, markers, an old pillow = a fabulous NASCAR racer (complete with flames, wings, and a handle) for baby sister created by Mathias. . . with an accompanying pint size castle for her dolly.
It doesn't take much to amuse us around here.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Counting down the days . . .
no not until Christmas . . . but the new year. . . anxious to get started on new projects and plans. The results of the last craft show were fairly good - better for my partner than me, but I wouldn't say I'd never do another show. For now, I plan to do sewing for me and the home. The house needs some painting and repair and decor projects so that'll keep me busy as well. Taking the photo shots for the craft products sucked me back into photography mode. I'd like to get back into it and am setting up some lighting lessons. Definitely something I need - I'm more of an occasionally lucky photographer than a good one. So you can expect to see some of my photography attempts posted in the near future. Keep an eye on your mail box (and this site)the Christmas portraits should be arriving any day now.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
3rd Show

Thanksgiving weekend is our big show - three days, black Friday thru Sunday. Part of the contract requires the vendor to work 12 hrs. I manned one of the front registers Friday for 6 hours and there was a huge line from 10 to 2 - very busy, lots of sales. 80.00 to 120.00 was average, some as big as 500.00. People are buying - whether they are buying my stuff is something else. :) Of course my customer base is more limited, more people will buy a snowmen then a girls dress or boys tie. I did get to do a bit of browsing and picked up a few small gifts and of course delicious fudge. :) Here are a few photos of the booth. I'll let you know next week how we did in sales when we get our tags back.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
For the Boys
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Double Double Overtime
I'm popping my buttons!! We went into this game with no expectations. With a 1-9 record, even if you're playing a 1-10 team, you're realistic not to expect much. Several of our athletic kids have dropped off the team because basketball started so we're down a few good men. This was Isaiah's last game and they were scheduled to play the only team they ever beat. Well, maybe beat is too strong a term - more like barely squeaked in a win. See the earlier post that recaps that 7-6 double overtime win. It was almost like watching a replay. O-O the whole game, we were within scoring distance multiple times (they actually scored on us twice but both TDs were called back on flags). Still 0-0 after the first 0 (4 plays from the 10) we were up last for the second 0. It was fourth down, we were within a few yards and literally just pushed the pile in for a TD. Which is exactly how the TD play happened the previous game - really just pushing the pile in. So we're playing "who's most incompetent" but it's still an exciting game and fun to watch. :)
I had offered Isaiah $1.00 per sack then Danny said "$3.00 per tackle behind the line of scrimmage". I tell you this kid is motivated by money. He played his best game all season! He played a strong center all game, then on D made 6 tackles, 1 blocked punt, and on one tackle he stripped the ball and ran it back for 50 yards!!! This happened in the fourth quarter, it looked like we were going to score until someone ran him down and tackled him. Isaiah is not a runner, he can be an awkward windmilling runner, flat footed, but he was bookin' as fast as he could go. The stands were on their feet - I think it was the most yards we gained on any play that game. He played great, we're so proud to see him putting effort in. . . and I'm glad he got to end the season pumped up and enjoying football - going out on a positive note. We forgot our camera but the team photographer snapped pics of a few of his tackles. He was too busy jumping up and down cheering to capture the run. :)
UPDATE: My husband corrected me - he made 6 tackles behind the line of scrimmage and 8 total.
I had offered Isaiah $1.00 per sack then Danny said "$3.00 per tackle behind the line of scrimmage". I tell you this kid is motivated by money. He played his best game all season! He played a strong center all game, then on D made 6 tackles, 1 blocked punt, and on one tackle he stripped the ball and ran it back for 50 yards!!! This happened in the fourth quarter, it looked like we were going to score until someone ran him down and tackled him. Isaiah is not a runner, he can be an awkward windmilling runner, flat footed, but he was bookin' as fast as he could go. The stands were on their feet - I think it was the most yards we gained on any play that game. He played great, we're so proud to see him putting effort in. . . and I'm glad he got to end the season pumped up and enjoying football - going out on a positive note. We forgot our camera but the team photographer snapped pics of a few of his tackles. He was too busy jumping up and down cheering to capture the run. :)
UPDATE: My husband corrected me - he made 6 tackles behind the line of scrimmage and 8 total.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
1 in a Million

I took a few photos today with my craft show partner and her girls. We wanted a few ad shots to print and display with our products. This is by far my favorite. She's wearing my skirt and that makes me smile. . . also finding a location that is green with water here in Arizona is a huge deal! :) and I've reconciled myself to the fact that for every photo shoot I do, I'll probably only get one shot I really like. . . unless I actually learn how to use a camera. (did I mention my last photo shoot I forgot to clean the lense and there was a smudge in EVERY picture!!) But for now, I'm happy just getting lucky once in a while for a 1 in a million shot.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
It's my party and I'll cry if I want too . . .

Baby turns 1! and so off to the park we go for a birthday portrait. The sun was setting fast so we plopped her on the porch. She didn't want to stand, keep trying to sit down, but Voila - that first shot was perfect. From there on out she just wanted to be held, would scream when we tried to put her down - then I had to deal with a drippy nose and tears . . . not so cute. My two assistants were busy jumping off hay bales and kicking up dirt. I may be disappointed in the photo shoot (no outfit changes or gobs of pics) but I'm never disappointed in my baby girl. May she always have her cake and get to eat it too. Happy Birthday Eliya Joy!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Easy to Love a Win
Mathias's mighty-mites got a win! This past Tuesday at practice they just played around. Just did fun football stuff. I think one of the other coaches suggested that maybe the kids just need to enjoy football to play better. We played a team of similar ranking. We were up 13 in the first quarter then they scored 7. It stayed that way through the 2nd and 3rd quarters. Our defense was great. They kept them from converting to first downs repeatedly however our offense wasn't accomplishing much. Late in the forth quarter, the other team scored and got the extra point! There was only 1:40 left in the game. Coach was positive and reminded the kids that the game wasn't over yet - he was actually smiling (rare given his intensity!) The next play was perfect - a completed pass (and we hadn't been completing too many at all!) just beyond the marker and he got out of bounds before the tackle to stop the clock - perfect! This was to the fast kid (prone to crying spells, doesn't like to hit or get hit) but he didn't have any spells today :) I think it was the next play, a huge long bomb that was caught and ran in for a TD. And the crowd went wild. Peanut, who caught the ball, has the loudest grandma!! She's so cute, you can hear her across the field, she never lets up. He caught two TD passes today. We had lots of "bounce off the numbers" frustrating incompletions today. Still a minute left and the Sting are driving down the field (we had held them better earlier in the game but not now) They go for the long bomb - the guy is open except for Mathias who's right on him. He caught the ball and Mathias flattened him. If Mathias hadn't been there it probably would have been a TD. Great game, fun to watch, the kids were pumped to win, coaches were positive in the huddle but of course "This is about life, this is why you don't quit."
Friday, October 23, 2009
Parent Teacher Confer.
Is there a word for parents who go to parent teacher meetings just to hear people say good things about their kids? You know they're not having real trouble in any subject but you go anyway? Affirmation needy? What? Just needing a perfect stranger to tell you that they're not so bad - they're growing up normal. They'll survive ok in this crazy world. You did your job right. I've heard a teacher say it's the parents of the good kids that come, but the parents of the troubled kids you never see. This year I was able to schedule them so Danny could make it too.
DJ - 1st grade (at a new school) was student of the month in Sept. and Mathias was student of the month in Aug. We told Isaiah "no pressure but you better step it up buddy!" :) DJ's conference went well. I had been worried about his reading. With the speech issues when he was younger, I'd been concerned he'd struggle. So we've been focusing on his reading. He's at 45 WPM (end of year goal is 40) His spelling is 91%. So he's fine in that area. We do need to work with him on math - he's still calculating every equation and needs to know the facts cold - off the top of his head. We'll get out the flash cards and the cheerios etc. Danny's proud of this but it's true. Every time he sits and spends time teaching the boys something, they really get it. He's a patient teacher. As far as character and behavior, she was please with how he'll work independently. From what I've seen and heard, I think he might be a little shy and reserved outside his home environment. But we're pleased he's transitioned to the school just fine.
Mathias - (4th grade) His teacher is the aunt of a football teammate. I think she's taken a special interest in him. She commented on his interception from this last game. I missed it (I was running Isaiah to his game) but Danny tells me it was pretty smooth. He was running, didn't break stride, caught the ball and kept going. His 4th this season. 4.0 GPA, reading level 6.?, excellent in math. I need to post a poem he wrote. too funny. Behavior in class, great. He's not a hyper kid so that translates to the classroom a bit better (I think Isaiah struggles with the classroom restrictions a bit more.) Mathias seems to get the young, pretty, new teachers. and yeah, Danny and I left feeling a bit old. :)
Isaiah - 6th grade. 3.27 GPA, As and Bs (he brought the 78 in Math up) His teacher says he doesn't struggle with the concepts, mostly just carelessness. We're trying to get him to double check his work - he's a full speed kind of guy so slowing down is an unnatural behavior for him. He's also got so many ideas, that focusing them for English is an effort. Behavior wise: he has several teachers. One teacher (a man) praised him for participating, being involved in class, answering questions, asking them, etc. Of the 3, only one mentioned he can be "distracted" and she has him sit up front. She mentioned she has him right at lunch time - does food make difference? The 6th grade has the latest lunch of the day, she said kids are more focused in the morning. It's not an excuse, and frankly I expected all his teachers to mention something like that. But he's not a troublemaker and has never been disciplined and even she had nice things to say. They're going to begin a verbal section, speeches, etc. so I think he'll enjoy that. One girl at school calls him the "loud crazy guy." One teacher told us that every morning Isaiah comes tearing into the school yard chased by a tiny blond 1st grader. He flings his backpack down and keeps on running. We know this girl from football. I think she figured out she'll get a big reaction and lots of theatrics from Isaiah so she chases him. One football mom told me she noticed Isaiah had taken her son under his wing. Watching out for him, reminding coach if he didn't get his plays, etc. That gives me hope, there might be some responsibility under it all. :)
So that's a snapshot of the boys. Maybe in a few years when they're huge and grown and "too cool for school" I'll reread this and remember the boys whose favorite subject was recess. . . hmmm, but do boys really ever outgrow that???
DJ - 1st grade (at a new school) was student of the month in Sept. and Mathias was student of the month in Aug. We told Isaiah "no pressure but you better step it up buddy!" :) DJ's conference went well. I had been worried about his reading. With the speech issues when he was younger, I'd been concerned he'd struggle. So we've been focusing on his reading. He's at 45 WPM (end of year goal is 40) His spelling is 91%. So he's fine in that area. We do need to work with him on math - he's still calculating every equation and needs to know the facts cold - off the top of his head. We'll get out the flash cards and the cheerios etc. Danny's proud of this but it's true. Every time he sits and spends time teaching the boys something, they really get it. He's a patient teacher. As far as character and behavior, she was please with how he'll work independently. From what I've seen and heard, I think he might be a little shy and reserved outside his home environment. But we're pleased he's transitioned to the school just fine.
Mathias - (4th grade) His teacher is the aunt of a football teammate. I think she's taken a special interest in him. She commented on his interception from this last game. I missed it (I was running Isaiah to his game) but Danny tells me it was pretty smooth. He was running, didn't break stride, caught the ball and kept going. His 4th this season. 4.0 GPA, reading level 6.?, excellent in math. I need to post a poem he wrote. too funny. Behavior in class, great. He's not a hyper kid so that translates to the classroom a bit better (I think Isaiah struggles with the classroom restrictions a bit more.) Mathias seems to get the young, pretty, new teachers. and yeah, Danny and I left feeling a bit old. :)
Isaiah - 6th grade. 3.27 GPA, As and Bs (he brought the 78 in Math up) His teacher says he doesn't struggle with the concepts, mostly just carelessness. We're trying to get him to double check his work - he's a full speed kind of guy so slowing down is an unnatural behavior for him. He's also got so many ideas, that focusing them for English is an effort. Behavior wise: he has several teachers. One teacher (a man) praised him for participating, being involved in class, answering questions, asking them, etc. Of the 3, only one mentioned he can be "distracted" and she has him sit up front. She mentioned she has him right at lunch time - does food make difference? The 6th grade has the latest lunch of the day, she said kids are more focused in the morning. It's not an excuse, and frankly I expected all his teachers to mention something like that. But he's not a troublemaker and has never been disciplined and even she had nice things to say. They're going to begin a verbal section, speeches, etc. so I think he'll enjoy that. One girl at school calls him the "loud crazy guy." One teacher told us that every morning Isaiah comes tearing into the school yard chased by a tiny blond 1st grader. He flings his backpack down and keeps on running. We know this girl from football. I think she figured out she'll get a big reaction and lots of theatrics from Isaiah so she chases him. One football mom told me she noticed Isaiah had taken her son under his wing. Watching out for him, reminding coach if he didn't get his plays, etc. That gives me hope, there might be some responsibility under it all. :)
So that's a snapshot of the boys. Maybe in a few years when they're huge and grown and "too cool for school" I'll reread this and remember the boys whose favorite subject was recess. . . hmmm, but do boys really ever outgrow that???
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Second Show

We gave it another go and did the Sequoya show this weekend. Danny played Mr Mom all weekend. Don't ask me about dishes, laundry, or house cleaning - let's just say he managed to keep them fed and fairly clean and got them to their games, church services, etc with aplomb. Go Daddy Go! :) Big boy Isaiah was my muscle, helping me with hefting the tables etc. He was rewarded with a handcrafted sling shot - the perks of child labor. :)
This show was a bit different - the last one we were in the gym but this time we ended up at the end of a corridor heading out to the ball field. A bit off the beaten path (near the gyros though so folks eating lunch saw our shop) It's possible people didn't venture down our path. I tried to face our display towards the top of the corridor so they could see what we were selling from there. I wasn't really pleased with the display. We need more height. I wanting some poster size photos of girls in the clothes - big ad shots. Hopefully, Carrie's girls and a few more will be willing to pose for a few pics.

Overall it seemed busier then the Peoria show. Just as I was arriving today I saw a little girl wearing one of my skirts and a hair flower from Carrie. It made my day. My checking account might not agree, but for me it really doesn't matter what sells I just want to see someone wearing and enjoying what I make. Her mom said she bought it yesterday and wanted to wear it to church this morning. She went home to see what colors she needed and came back today to get a few more flowers. I did see a lot more families (or at least moms with daughters) at this show.

Enough blogging - remember that laundry I mentioned? off to it now . . . or maybe in the morning. :) Good night.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Is it still fun to play?
If Vegas gave odds on Isaiah's game they were expected to lose . . . by a lot. And they did. I think they were scored on 5 times . . . in the first half! We didn't score and I don't think we converted to a first down once the entire game. Isaiah at center was up against the biggest kid I've seen him face all season and he did great. He didn't do much on D this game but given the score, you could say no one did much on D :) After the game in the team huddle the kids were smiling and coach kept it positive. Does this show a good positive attitude?? or that no one cares?? Regardless I'm glad he's having fun. Final score - not sure, lost count. Something big to zero. :)
After the stressful game last week Mathias's team has gotten intense. They spent all Tuesday's practice "working on getting their pride back" this meant nothing but one on one tackle drills and sprints over and over and over. I'm not sure Mathias understood all the speechifying that went with it but I simplified "Give an effort you're proud off, if that's your best and you lose it's ok. Don't give up and spend the game crying on the sidelines." This weekend they played a team coached by his coach from last year (8-2 2008 record) Great coaches. It was another tough game. Mathias got another interception but he fumbled the first offensive pass thrown to him this season. We made it through the game with no tears so that's a first. He's really pumped about his interceptions. He wants to get one a game. :) Final score was 24 - 7 and final speech was "keep your heads up".
After the stressful game last week Mathias's team has gotten intense. They spent all Tuesday's practice "working on getting their pride back" this meant nothing but one on one tackle drills and sprints over and over and over. I'm not sure Mathias understood all the speechifying that went with it but I simplified "Give an effort you're proud off, if that's your best and you lose it's ok. Don't give up and spend the game crying on the sidelines." This weekend they played a team coached by his coach from last year (8-2 2008 record) Great coaches. It was another tough game. Mathias got another interception but he fumbled the first offensive pass thrown to him this season. We made it through the game with no tears so that's a first. He's really pumped about his interceptions. He wants to get one a game. :) Final score was 24 - 7 and final speech was "keep your heads up".
Love to Carpool
3 moms, 3 Honda minivans, 7 kids, 1 mission - get 'em to school on time! Each mom does pick up and drop off for one week. For two straight weeks I can just wave goodbye at the door in my mumu. :) This is my week to drive and baby decides it's her week to sleep in. ??? Miss 5AM is sprawled out completely ignoring all the chaos and she's sleeping like a baby. . . and I gotta wake her up. It's a shame.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Craft Fair Weekend Part 2
I'm standing at the craft fair register watching the clock thinking "it's 8, the boys are warming up, it's 9:30 they just weighted in, it's 10:00 kick off I wonder how they're doing . . . then game over, it's kick off for the next one. I hope they're doing ok. I wonder how the coaches are acting." I didn't have a cell phone so I had no idea how it was going until I finally reached my husband at 2 and he said "It went terrible, kids are all coming off the field crying, both teams lost, some of our players were kicked off the team."
Isaiah's team (the one with coaching drama - you can read more in prior posts) played a team they could have beaten. But it was a fiasco - personal fouls, kid being kicked out, running backs were being smacked before the hand off was even made, issues between parents and coaches etc. Final score 22-7. Isaiah played linebacker and center the whole game and did get some tackles. The Association is will be at practice tomorrow to talk to parents and coaches. . . we'll see what happens then.
Mathia's team was intimidated before they even weighted in - when they saw the cornrows, goatees, and grills. This is an all black south central team. Danny's "brutha theory" is the more brutha a team has the better the team. Coach had announced to our kids this team was the best in the state (this team is blowing out teams who blew out other teams) All the kids were coming off the field crying. Mathias had a crying spell and coach yelled at him to "stuck it up and get control of himself". He did play most of the game and did get several touchdown saving tackles. He played both sides of the ball. They were up 21 - 0 and we'd only had 1 offensive play. They'd kick off and we wouldn't even get the ball - they'd get it. Final score 34-0. Pop Warner has a rule, if you run up the score the coach needs to write a letter of apology etc so at a certain point you can only run up the middle and your bench should be playing otherwise I'm sure the score would have been worse. "You were out worked, out hit, and out hustled. You had your pride ripped from you today." This was coach's bellowing final speech - did I mention he's intense??? Welcome to football - 7 to 9 years olds mighty mite division.
Isaiah's team (the one with coaching drama - you can read more in prior posts) played a team they could have beaten. But it was a fiasco - personal fouls, kid being kicked out, running backs were being smacked before the hand off was even made, issues between parents and coaches etc. Final score 22-7. Isaiah played linebacker and center the whole game and did get some tackles. The Association is will be at practice tomorrow to talk to parents and coaches. . . we'll see what happens then.
Mathia's team was intimidated before they even weighted in - when they saw the cornrows, goatees, and grills. This is an all black south central team. Danny's "brutha theory" is the more brutha a team has the better the team. Coach had announced to our kids this team was the best in the state (this team is blowing out teams who blew out other teams) All the kids were coming off the field crying. Mathias had a crying spell and coach yelled at him to "stuck it up and get control of himself". He did play most of the game and did get several touchdown saving tackles. He played both sides of the ball. They were up 21 - 0 and we'd only had 1 offensive play. They'd kick off and we wouldn't even get the ball - they'd get it. Final score 34-0. Pop Warner has a rule, if you run up the score the coach needs to write a letter of apology etc so at a certain point you can only run up the middle and your bench should be playing otherwise I'm sure the score would have been worse. "You were out worked, out hit, and out hustled. You had your pride ripped from you today." This was coach's bellowing final speech - did I mention he's intense??? Welcome to football - 7 to 9 years olds mighty mite division.
Craft Fair Weekend Part 1
We survived craft fair weekend! This was our first fair - I shared a booth with a friend. She sells frames and hair flowers at www.moiandmine.etsy.com.

Briar Patch puts on fairs all over the valley - it's set up with central cashiers that accept credit cards etc so as a shopper you just collect items and pay at one spot. Each item has a coded tag that gets sorted later by "shop". That relieves us of dealing with each transaction, we can leave the booth unattended, and folks spend more if they can use a credit card. :) Part of our obligation involved working some volunteer hours at the registers. I didn't get to shop much (I had a shower to attend immediately after my volunteer hours)but I did get to meet a really great girl who talked my ear off in a good way! Karlee Fuch makes a wide range of fabric bags and patterns. She's been doing shows from several years and shared lots of tips and information with me (and also encouragement!) You can check out her shop and blog at www.karleefuchs.com.
My sales were minimal and I'll admit to being a bit discouraged. However Sunday's church services were all about our words - so I'll be positive and just focus on that. :) Also our booth neighbor who sells hats said sales were lousy so maybe it wasn't just us. We'll have final tallies later this week. Working the register I saw a lot of elderly shoppers buying food items and decorations and not many young familes which might be more my target customer. Either way I enjoyed making my items and if nothing sells at least Eliya will have a closet full of Mommy made skirts to twirl about in a few years. :) I also set out a papergoods item with my sketch. Most of my sketches are probably best for stationary, cards, print type goods. I'm trying to work with them and do something with them. Also our booth display was mostly 'round the house items (didn't want to invest a whole lot upfront but we plan to change it a bit and add some actual tableclothes and maybe poster size prints of girls in the clothes ad style for the next show.)

Briar Patch puts on fairs all over the valley - it's set up with central cashiers that accept credit cards etc so as a shopper you just collect items and pay at one spot. Each item has a coded tag that gets sorted later by "shop". That relieves us of dealing with each transaction, we can leave the booth unattended, and folks spend more if they can use a credit card. :) Part of our obligation involved working some volunteer hours at the registers. I didn't get to shop much (I had a shower to attend immediately after my volunteer hours)but I did get to meet a really great girl who talked my ear off in a good way! Karlee Fuch makes a wide range of fabric bags and patterns. She's been doing shows from several years and shared lots of tips and information with me (and also encouragement!) You can check out her shop and blog at www.karleefuchs.com.
My sales were minimal and I'll admit to being a bit discouraged. However Sunday's church services were all about our words - so I'll be positive and just focus on that. :) Also our booth neighbor who sells hats said sales were lousy so maybe it wasn't just us. We'll have final tallies later this week. Working the register I saw a lot of elderly shoppers buying food items and decorations and not many young familes which might be more my target customer. Either way I enjoyed making my items and if nothing sells at least Eliya will have a closet full of Mommy made skirts to twirl about in a few years. :) I also set out a papergoods item with my sketch. Most of my sketches are probably best for stationary, cards, print type goods. I'm trying to work with them and do something with them. Also our booth display was mostly 'round the house items (didn't want to invest a whole lot upfront but we plan to change it a bit and add some actual tableclothes and maybe poster size prints of girls in the clothes ad style for the next show.)

Monday, September 14, 2009
Braggin' on my boys
Mathias got an interception this past Saturday. He had one in our pre-season scrimmage and was thrilled to get one in this game. He was tackled before running it back though - but still very proud. He's old enough now to notice things. Initially in practice he was starting both sides of the ball . . . then a few players were shuffled and he's now on second string offense. (White O not Orange O) He had a good attitude about it. He admitted he was "a bit sad, but I'm OK." His team has great coaching staff. We were excepting a win against this team (next weeks team will be tough - they haven't been scored on) So this past weekend the coaches played White O quite a bit and the kids who don't usually play were on the field more often. Despite that, I think the score was 24 - 0? Our head coach's son is really good but I like the fact that this coach gives other kids a chance to play. We car pool with kid that has never played football before. We knew him from basketball . . . he's very athletic and very fast . . . he's also scared to get hit - like most first timers. This past Saturday he was given the opportunity to run the ball and he made some great runs and scored a TD! He also caught an awesome pass for the extra point. I think that's why I enjoy mighty mite football so much - to see kids do something they've never done before and to see how proud they are of accomplishing something. Another kid got his first tackle. It was Mathias's teacher's nephew. . . it always surprises me how in a city this big it seems small sometimes. No I can't point out as many cousins and second cousins as Priscella can walking down Main St but this city can still be homey.
Isaiah played a hard game. He sat out just one play. This was a noon game in 102+ heat. When we got home he crashed and napped for 2 hours. They played an evenly matched team but lost 0-12. Coach's kid was QB the whole game. . . maybe this would have been winnable otherwise . . . I just don't like them looking at the kids after the game and saying "this is what it tastes like to lose." Most of those kids played really hard and it's not entirely their fault. Isaiah got some great tackles in the first half. Leaving the game, an opposing teams parent complimented him. "Great game, you were throwing them around out there." I saw one hit that reminded me of a WWF move - he lifts the guy up then comes crashing down on him. Danny says he'll eventually get a penalty for that, need to tackle a bit diffent, run through the guy instead. In the last quarter, Isaiah got a holding penalty and a false start penalty. He was down on himself about it. I don't remember him ever getting a flag before. I'm sure he was exhausted in that last quarter. Hubby was working overtime, Eliya was screaming (no nap, second game of the day), DJ was puking in the stands (too much heat, too much Horchata icee?) so my play by play of Isaiah's game is a little hazy. Ah well, some days just go that way. Errors or no errors, I'm proud of Isaiah's attitude and effort. He doesn't give up or wimp out or complain or make excuses. That's my boy. :)
Isaiah played a hard game. He sat out just one play. This was a noon game in 102+ heat. When we got home he crashed and napped for 2 hours. They played an evenly matched team but lost 0-12. Coach's kid was QB the whole game. . . maybe this would have been winnable otherwise . . . I just don't like them looking at the kids after the game and saying "this is what it tastes like to lose." Most of those kids played really hard and it's not entirely their fault. Isaiah got some great tackles in the first half. Leaving the game, an opposing teams parent complimented him. "Great game, you were throwing them around out there." I saw one hit that reminded me of a WWF move - he lifts the guy up then comes crashing down on him. Danny says he'll eventually get a penalty for that, need to tackle a bit diffent, run through the guy instead. In the last quarter, Isaiah got a holding penalty and a false start penalty. He was down on himself about it. I don't remember him ever getting a flag before. I'm sure he was exhausted in that last quarter. Hubby was working overtime, Eliya was screaming (no nap, second game of the day), DJ was puking in the stands (too much heat, too much Horchata icee?) so my play by play of Isaiah's game is a little hazy. Ah well, some days just go that way. Errors or no errors, I'm proud of Isaiah's attitude and effort. He doesn't give up or wimp out or complain or make excuses. That's my boy. :)
Monday, September 7, 2009
Calling Audibles
In the midst of trying to jump start some kind of crafting business I'm still doing credit card customer service work from home. Monday's are a slow family day - Danny takes the kids to watch some friends play softball - so I've been working Monday evenings. Like most SAHMs I have no concept of time and the passing of days. I forgot this was Labor day and actually volunteered to pick up a shift . . . causing the family to miss our usual Labor Day picnic event. :( I'm not a total Cruella though and the boys did get to play with friends yesterday and this morning so they're happy. It's tough to work and hear my baby faintly crying in the background, knowing she wants me but will have to settle for Pops and her bros. I do get breaks and can pop off if I really need to. I'll stick my head out of my office and holler instruction "send the friends home! load the dishwasher! get the pizza! clean up the toys!" My dear hubby says I sound like a coach calling audibles. HA HA they better follow through or I'm gonna bench somebody!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Football Tears

Mighty Mite ReCap
Mathias's first game was canceled due to excessive heat. Today we were two minutes from the half, up 6-2, when the rain hit. They called rain delay and we found shelter under the shade canopies. Crashing thunder and lightening. When we were able to play again, the other team scored so we were down 6-9. There was concern they'd call the game at the half because there were still storm clouds all around. However, we were able to finish and won 19-9. Mathias played cornerback and got an awesome cross the open field tackle that saved a touchdown. He was pretty proud. :) Then he missed a block on O and got yelled at by coach . . . then he was almost in tears. Dad comforted him "you have to take the good and the bad, and get back out there . . ."

Pee Wee ReCap
After last weeks 0-36 disaster, we weren't expecting much today. However they were playing at team more their level and wound up going into double overtime tied 0-0. Very exciting! Isaiah played great at center and played linebacker for much of the game. Our D held them near goal quite a few times. Also, in O, Isaiah got a sack that resulted in a fumble causing the second overtime! They're not allowed to run it back in O - no turnovers. So great game, exciting, and if we get to play a few more teams like this, that would be nice. Final score our win 7 - 6. And of course Isaiah cried - happy tears. :)
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Ordinary Drama
Money makes the world go round . . . and causes lots of problems along the way! I don't spend too much time at my oldest son's football practices because I'm involved as a team mom on the other son's team . . . but there is major drama concerning money raised and where it went. I don't gossip the sidelines but the bits I've overheard and the great defensive (more like offensive) pronouncements made by coaches at team meetings seem to signal general unrest. Of course a 0-36 lost doesn't go down well . . . no matter how pretty the team uniforms! The other teams parents are beginning to pipe up as well. Our "main" team mom will bring a breakdown of money in and out to pass out to parents. Even with all our fundraising, we'll still have to cough up half the cost of the boys jersey. So we'll see how this goes over tonight . . .
My sister-in-law always said I'm full of ideas . . . that never go anywhere! Very true. I'm having a hard time deciding exactly what to do for the craft fair and etsy. I should really focus on a few things instead of bits of everything. This week I'm been sewing a lot of little girls skirts. Very cute, designer fabric. And to keep costs down, these are just scrap pieces I've picked up at a warehouse place. The odd size pieces means I have to be more creative in what I do with them. I don't have a set pattern and buy the supplies accordingly. If the skirts are a hit, I plan then to design a "line" and purchase those supplies in bulk wholesale. It'll be easier to "make to order" just a few select designs then a slew of OOAK items. I'm working on a few little girl models and need to organize some props and do a few photo shoots - advertising style. I'm excited about doing that - I always have fun taking pics. It's still a bit hot out, but an evening shoot should be good. And of course in the back of my head I know I'll need to do some printing, tags, signs, labels, some stationary type items from my sketches etc.
And on the home front . . . all is well. The boys are settled into school (chess will be starting soon) and baby is growing. She crawls around while I sew. Today I got a peek at her mischievous side - she'd unplug my sewing machine while I was sewing and then giggle as I crawled under the table to reconnect. . . and I had to rip out a seam because she crawled over the foot pedal.
There's squawling in the hall way . . . the kids are home and need a referee. :)
One of the parents was "written up" for comments made at the game on Saturday.
Looks like half the games were blow outs. Danny explained it to me. This is what happens when you have coaches leave the league with their best players for another league. The "left overs" get lumped together with the "first timers" to create new teams. These teams will almost always have a rough year when playing against established teams that have been together for several years and maybe even play together in the off season elsewhere. This leads to drama all around - the drama that caused the initial coach to dismantle his team and leave (my oldest had been with these guys for 4 yrs) and then the drama of dissatisfied parents on the new struggling team. . . of course coaching decisions, athleticism of the players, etc all have something to do with the outcome on the field. Most kids just play sports to have fun and be with thier friends . . . why the parents get involved is a whole 'nother story.
My sister-in-law always said I'm full of ideas . . . that never go anywhere! Very true. I'm having a hard time deciding exactly what to do for the craft fair and etsy. I should really focus on a few things instead of bits of everything. This week I'm been sewing a lot of little girls skirts. Very cute, designer fabric. And to keep costs down, these are just scrap pieces I've picked up at a warehouse place. The odd size pieces means I have to be more creative in what I do with them. I don't have a set pattern and buy the supplies accordingly. If the skirts are a hit, I plan then to design a "line" and purchase those supplies in bulk wholesale. It'll be easier to "make to order" just a few select designs then a slew of OOAK items. I'm working on a few little girl models and need to organize some props and do a few photo shoots - advertising style. I'm excited about doing that - I always have fun taking pics. It's still a bit hot out, but an evening shoot should be good. And of course in the back of my head I know I'll need to do some printing, tags, signs, labels, some stationary type items from my sketches etc.
And on the home front . . . all is well. The boys are settled into school (chess will be starting soon) and baby is growing. She crawls around while I sew. Today I got a peek at her mischievous side - she'd unplug my sewing machine while I was sewing and then giggle as I crawled under the table to reconnect. . . and I had to rip out a seam because she crawled over the foot pedal.
There's squawling in the hall way . . . the kids are home and need a referee. :)
One of the parents was "written up" for comments made at the game on Saturday.
Looks like half the games were blow outs. Danny explained it to me. This is what happens when you have coaches leave the league with their best players for another league. The "left overs" get lumped together with the "first timers" to create new teams. These teams will almost always have a rough year when playing against established teams that have been together for several years and maybe even play together in the off season elsewhere. This leads to drama all around - the drama that caused the initial coach to dismantle his team and leave (my oldest had been with these guys for 4 yrs) and then the drama of dissatisfied parents on the new struggling team. . . of course coaching decisions, athleticism of the players, etc all have something to do with the outcome on the field. Most kids just play sports to have fun and be with thier friends . . . why the parents get involved is a whole 'nother story.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Rosy Glasses with Glued on Sparkles
Reading stuff on the Internet can strip you of your rose colored glasses and crush 'em. . . but it can also add balance and create a more informed perspective.
Two interesting articles on the history of etsy and the demographics of sellers (like me)
All I want to do is sew a few things and glue some pretty baubles . . . to join the refrain "I'm going to keep trying!" I know I'm capable of making SOMETHING work . . . just need to figure out what and developing a business plan and marketing scheme . . . the upcoming craft fair will give me interaction with folks and provide some much needed feedback. We'll definitely be reevaluating this business attempt after the craft shows and holiday season. For now, I'm content to give it a go regardless. . . cause I'm having so much fun :)
Proof people to sell on Etsy.
Two interesting articles on the history of etsy and the demographics of sellers (like me)
All I want to do is sew a few things and glue some pretty baubles . . . to join the refrain "I'm going to keep trying!" I know I'm capable of making SOMETHING work . . . just need to figure out what and developing a business plan and marketing scheme . . . the upcoming craft fair will give me interaction with folks and provide some much needed feedback. We'll definitely be reevaluating this business attempt after the craft shows and holiday season. For now, I'm content to give it a go regardless. . . cause I'm having so much fun :)
Proof people to sell on Etsy.
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Mathias was running the ball during a drill and got CRUNCHED! This was a hit that you could HEAR from the sidelines . . . the kind that makes the parents go OOOO AAAAHHH "That was a HIT!" Yup, poor boy, he really felt it. And though "this is football" emphasize the dads - yes, sometimes there is crying . . .

He's got great coaches though . . . he got a drink of water then back to the line up for more drilling. A real trooper. At the end of this practice they went over kick off and kick off return. He's on the kick off return team. I wish I had video. He scooped up the ball and ran it back for a TD. Another time it landed beautifully in his arms and he ran that one back too. Stiff arming, weaving, he was having a great time. Considering that last year he was your minimum 10 play player who spent a lot of time on the sidelines even at practice . . . so it's great to watch him get involved and really enjoy it . . . hmmm except for the hard hits :) I told him "That's about as hard as you'll ever get hit - if you handled that OK - then don't be scared of anyone." He's 56 lbs and kids can be up to 90 lbs. It was one of our bigger players that got him. That's probably what keeps him running fast. :)
Here in AZ we don't call games due to rain. . . we call games due to excessive heat advisories. Who schedules 9 yr olds to play at 2PM in August??? We watched Isaiah play at 10AM and then during the noon game the ambulance had to take 2 kids to the hospital for dehydration/heat stroke. I would have loved to see Mathias play but not in those conditions (112 degrees). During practices he's been at safety, wide receiver, cornerback, and fullback. It's a new team so they are still figuring out where everyone should be. Isaiah is center again and he's getting a chance for some D. He got the first tackle in this game. He played center well, but could have applied more speed on D. They lost 42 - 0 (and this even though the whole second half was played against the second string). It's going to be a long season for his team. Lots of issues but that's a whole 'nother post. :)
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Gratuitous Use of Baby Photos

I haven't posted in a week (baby's been sick - but woke up this mornin' feeling fine) so we're getting back in the groove again . . . we'll kick it all off with gratuitous baby photos. The first few photos were taken on Sunday morning - off to chruch wearing her butterfly - it didn't last thru service - Mathias broke it :( The next few pics are at football practice, she's wearing a skirt I made her that day and a sequined headband of my design - a la Flashdance :) The last few photos are just about the house, flashing her toothies. Her new nickname is "Sharptooth". I tried to fish out a necturine chunk today and she drew blood. That girl is dangerous!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Tick Tick Tick Tick Boom
So it started as reworking an image for a logo . . . and BOOM DYNAMITE!!! It's an entire website! Visit www.grandsooners.com to see the site Danny built for Mathias's team. We'll be adding photos, video, etc as the season begins. He built it (and learnt new things in the process) and taught me some of the admin duties so I can update content for the team. We're excited and Sooner pride has kicked into gear. :) I am nervous about meeting our fundraising goals though . . . I'm sure we'll get it done. We made 300.00 in snack bar/family dinner sales just this week. Isaiah was at a car wash for his team today and they made 500.00. The Sooners have 2 car washes planned for later this month. A parent brought in the first sponsor check yesterday for 250.00 and a few others mentioned they'll be getting some. Another parent already sold thier entire form of spirit cups and asked me for another one. . . so I'm feeling a bit more optimistic.
The kids look really good at practice - not the disorganized mess you'd expect from 7-9 yr olds. I'm not sure they know offense from defense but it looks like the coaches are trying to teach it - good luck to 'em. Each coach is assigned a group of kids to mentor - Mathias got his first call from his mentor coach today. Other than Memere and Pepere and Nana I don't think he ever talks on the phone to adults. Isaiah heard him saying he wanted to do some recieving and that he'd played safety before. The Sooners have two groups "Rhinos" and "Cheetahs". Mathias has been practicing drills with the Cheetahs so he'll probably be defense. No positions are assigned until the boys are in full pads and tackling. That'll start on Tuesday.
I haven't been to any of Isaiah's practices but I know he dumped a bucket of water on a cheer girl at the car wash "she told us to do it" and at Friday's practice while racing neck and neck he did a full body dive at the end in a crazy attempt to win. Isaiah never does anything in half measures . . . not when it can be done loudly and wildly. But he's settling in (a whole new team) he's got a few of his old teammates and seems to be getting to know the others.
We went to Meet the Teacher at school. All three boys will be going to the same school! finally! We ran into an old classmate of his (he'd gone there for several years) He's looking forward to seeing them all again. His buddy told him the girls are crazy this year. I really liked his teacher and like the way everything is online - meaning I'll be able to view the grade book whenever I want! But that shouldn't be a problem . . .
Chubber-roo is asleep in my arms - Tick Tick Tick Tick Boom, she's just dynamite. :)
The kids look really good at practice - not the disorganized mess you'd expect from 7-9 yr olds. I'm not sure they know offense from defense but it looks like the coaches are trying to teach it - good luck to 'em. Each coach is assigned a group of kids to mentor - Mathias got his first call from his mentor coach today. Other than Memere and Pepere and Nana I don't think he ever talks on the phone to adults. Isaiah heard him saying he wanted to do some recieving and that he'd played safety before. The Sooners have two groups "Rhinos" and "Cheetahs". Mathias has been practicing drills with the Cheetahs so he'll probably be defense. No positions are assigned until the boys are in full pads and tackling. That'll start on Tuesday.
I haven't been to any of Isaiah's practices but I know he dumped a bucket of water on a cheer girl at the car wash "she told us to do it" and at Friday's practice while racing neck and neck he did a full body dive at the end in a crazy attempt to win. Isaiah never does anything in half measures . . . not when it can be done loudly and wildly. But he's settling in (a whole new team) he's got a few of his old teammates and seems to be getting to know the others.
We went to Meet the Teacher at school. All three boys will be going to the same school! finally! We ran into an old classmate of his (he'd gone there for several years) He's looking forward to seeing them all again. His buddy told him the girls are crazy this year. I really liked his teacher and like the way everything is online - meaning I'll be able to view the grade book whenever I want! But that shouldn't be a problem . . .
Chubber-roo is asleep in my arms - Tick Tick Tick Tick Boom, she's just dynamite. :)
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Get It Done Sooner
Sometimes you go into something blind not realizing the work involved. Ignorance is costly! Most of my day was consumed with Sooner projects. I like to do my part for whatever my boys are involved in so I volunteered to run the Spirit Cup sales. Next thing I know I'm "Fundraising Mom". Pop Warner requires each team to raise 2700.00 to pay for fields, refs, etc. Then we have to buy games jerseys (approx. $35.00 - 75.00) sock, belts, etc. We need all or most of this by the first game. Snack bar at the practice field, dinner at the field on Thursdays, car washes, Spirit Cup sales, sponsors, etc. We share a field with 2 other football teams so that helps with on the field sales of snacks (which are obtained by begging parents to donate) The spirit cups are easy to sell too (but the $s for the team are a lower percentage then some other products) A nice sturdy hologram cup, dishwasher safe in NFL, MLB, collage, and military designs.
"We just need the logo. We found this on the Internet and need the colors changed from red and black to orange and blue" (all Grand Association is orange) Sounds easy. I've got Adobe. Sure thing. In truth the image is a tiny thing, totally pixilated, really no straight edges. And it's got 4 colors: red, black, white, grey. . . but we can only use 3. So we need to redesign some areas so you don't lose the highlights, shadows, etc that make the shape. We've only begun to get familiar with Adobe Illustrator so it definitely takes us longer then an expert but kudos to my hubby for his patience in figuring things out. He takes over when I give up. In the end a lot of it had to be done "by hand" ei. no filter to magically fix it . . . and believe me we tried them all! The logo does look good though - a masked horseman riding pell mell. Definition of a Sooner - the whole 40 acres and a mule thing, folks lined up, the gun went off, and it was a race to the land. The Sooners were there sooner . . . because they hid in the bushes up ahead. Just waiting to hear what our motto will be "We cheat to win??" "Full speed ahead??"
I really like his team - seems to be a great set of parents and coaches. The ugly will probably come out later when someones kid isn't quarterback as expected and someones kid only plays 10 plays instead of 20. Every child is a superstar in the eyes of their parents. . . and that's how it should be. :)
"We just need the logo. We found this on the Internet and need the colors changed from red and black to orange and blue" (all Grand Association is orange) Sounds easy. I've got Adobe. Sure thing. In truth the image is a tiny thing, totally pixilated, really no straight edges. And it's got 4 colors: red, black, white, grey. . . but we can only use 3. So we need to redesign some areas so you don't lose the highlights, shadows, etc that make the shape. We've only begun to get familiar with Adobe Illustrator so it definitely takes us longer then an expert but kudos to my hubby for his patience in figuring things out. He takes over when I give up. In the end a lot of it had to be done "by hand" ei. no filter to magically fix it . . . and believe me we tried them all! The logo does look good though - a masked horseman riding pell mell. Definition of a Sooner - the whole 40 acres and a mule thing, folks lined up, the gun went off, and it was a race to the land. The Sooners were there sooner . . . because they hid in the bushes up ahead. Just waiting to hear what our motto will be "We cheat to win??" "Full speed ahead??"
I really like his team - seems to be a great set of parents and coaches. The ugly will probably come out later when someones kid isn't quarterback as expected and someones kid only plays 10 plays instead of 20. Every child is a superstar in the eyes of their parents. . . and that's how it should be. :)
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
The Daily News
I've told myself I would write everyday. There was no great break through today - just a little bit of everything. I got my 3rd sale and in talking to my brother-in-law it was another referral of his. He's doing freelance web business related work right now. It's great to have his support and promotion. I've gotten lots of compliments on the shop but an equal amount mention they only have boys. I'm working on sewing a few boy things but I've got some interfacing, serging, and hand sewing vs machine issues to work through first. But I definitely like the look of my first prototype. I've stocked up on shipping supplies and assembled another set of bobbies. I plan to photograph and post those tomorrow. I plan to organize my paperwork/record keeping a bit more. After 3 sales there isn't much to organize but it would be smart to have a system in place for when things pick up. Also need to plan some kind of Christmas promotion etc.
Enjoying the last few days at home with the boys. Got roped into fundraising for my son's football team - yikes - never done that before. But hey everyone needs to pitch in - so I'll do my best. Lots of moms helping so it shouldn't be too bad. Off to bed, my super model is getting her beauty rest and she'll be up at 530AM so that's the news from Lake Woebegone - where all the women are strong, the men are good looking, and the children are above average.
Enjoying the last few days at home with the boys. Got roped into fundraising for my son's football team - yikes - never done that before. But hey everyone needs to pitch in - so I'll do my best. Lots of moms helping so it shouldn't be too bad. Off to bed, my super model is getting her beauty rest and she'll be up at 530AM so that's the news from Lake Woebegone - where all the women are strong, the men are good looking, and the children are above average.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
All Babies are Cute - Even the Ugly Ones
I've discovered what advertisers have known years - put a baby in the picture and you'll gain consumers attention. (babies sell everything from toilet paper to water) I have 2 postings in my etsy shop that show my baby model - and both photos have lots more "views" then any other listings. This means I've got to do a full photo shoot for every 4.00 barrette??? I don't think so! She is due for her 8mo pictures though. When I took her to the park, I had really been focusing on getting the hair items displayed - not so much on the overall look of her in the pic. And it's way to hot to venture out now - 109+ degrees - yikes. Puppies, and kittens, and beautiful women are great advertising ploys too but I'm thinking I'll have to stick with babies. And as she's the only girl I've got - I need to make do with a hair model who only has 3 strands of hair. . . so the ponytail shots will be a few more years in coming.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Jump Start the Brain

I know why Mr Riz (my English teacher) did crosswords everyday. He was exercising his brain. I've been sweeping out the dusty corners and stretching the tissue. To complete my first wholesale order I had to create and adapt a slew of Excel spreadsheets - it's been years since I really had to do anything with it! With the assistance of my dear Mr. Answer Man and ehow I managed to create a bunch of informative spreadsheets - all linked and pulling information from hither and yon and crunching and munching numbers. I added widgets and gijets to my blog with the help of my 11 yr old computer enthusiast son. And all by myself (queue 80s soundtrack) I managed to reassign my scratch disk (after ignorantly assuming this was a computer thing not a Photoshop thing) and complete some photo editing to post the new bobby pin sets. I could complain and whine that it's all so frustrating but instead I'm grinning like a kindergartner saying "Learning is FUN!"
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Creative Writing
I've been trying to work with my boys a bit this summer and have them spend some time writing in preparation for the upcoming school year. I usually give them free reign as far as topic goes. They've described their favorite part of a family trip, written descriptive essays on squirrel chasing, and instructions for extreme dodge ball. Today I read a great esty article that emphasised the importance of interesting writing - something more than just dry stats to capture the customers attention and help them remember you. As a mom the bulk of my writing consists of To Do lists or Grocery lists with the occasional email to grandma about baby's teething and constipation. It's been too long since English class. I feel ill equipped and out of practice. But I gave it a shot and rewrote my shop announcement . . . and I'm sure I'll rewrite it again and again!
I've always enjoyed great writing and even if the subject doesn't appeal to me something well written will gain my attention. Good writing will make you come back again and again to hear what else that author has to say. Rick Rielly (who wrote for Sports Illustrated for years) was always the first thing I'd turn to. I'd have to read quickly before Danny snagged the mag from me - as a sports ignorant wife I didn't get first dibs! (now even my youngest boy fights us for it) but since Rielly moved to ESPN I just hand it over. Dave Barry's column in the Sunday paper was a favorite too. When he stopped doing a column we stopped getting the paper. The blog Confessions of a Pioneer Woman began as a simple blog about cattle ranching and is now read by thousands. That said I don't need publishers knocking at my door, I just need a few folks to stop for a moment and get drawn in long enough to make a sale. So I'm not going to settle for "this barrette is 1.25 in long" but try for a bit more. Are there any ad slogans or companies that caught your attention with their writing?
I've always enjoyed great writing and even if the subject doesn't appeal to me something well written will gain my attention. Good writing will make you come back again and again to hear what else that author has to say. Rick Rielly (who wrote for Sports Illustrated for years) was always the first thing I'd turn to. I'd have to read quickly before Danny snagged the mag from me - as a sports ignorant wife I didn't get first dibs! (now even my youngest boy fights us for it) but since Rielly moved to ESPN I just hand it over. Dave Barry's column in the Sunday paper was a favorite too. When he stopped doing a column we stopped getting the paper. The blog Confessions of a Pioneer Woman began as a simple blog about cattle ranching and is now read by thousands. That said I don't need publishers knocking at my door, I just need a few folks to stop for a moment and get drawn in long enough to make a sale. So I'm not going to settle for "this barrette is 1.25 in long" but try for a bit more. Are there any ad slogans or companies that caught your attention with their writing?
Buckle and Bend
My product card needs work - not so much design (I've already tweaked it to accomodate a rack hole punch) but in stiffness. It's tending to bend and buckle when the items are attached. I'm finished the wholesale variety pack (also my bobbies are in so I can include some!) and want to get that in the mail but I need to fix my cards so they look nice on the rack - not just as mailorder. The card stores don't seem to sell anything in between cardstock and foam core. What I have is great for some of my designs, baby clips, bobbies, etc but not for the larger barrettes. I'd like something that works with everything. So that's what I'll be doing today - contacting local printers etc.
UPDATE: problem solved :)
UPDATE: problem solved :)
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Eyeballing the Competition
I have been living on etsy for a while now - whenever I'd sit to feed baby I'd be browsing. So it's safe to say I had a fair idea what was out there as far as hair stuff . . . lots of bows, lots of big flowers, lots of old clipon earrings converted to bobbies. I had some bobby designs in mind that I didn't see anywhere. I've had the button pieces for a while but was waiting on my order of antique bronzed type bobbies, nickel ones, etc. I also have a sketch book of ideas and different products I'd like to introduce to my shop down the road. Today I discovered a shop that has almost everything I was thinking!! We must be on the same wave length. :( She opened shop in 2006 and has had 2000+ sales - not all inexpensive hair things but sewing items as well etc. So the stuff does sell . . . just not yet on my page! (whispering to myself "patience is a virtue, patience is a virtue")
Big news though . . . my brother-in-law put in a good word for me with his mother-in-law and Sis. Sharla placed a wholesale order for her shop http://www.loveandlearntoys.com/ in Ohio!!! I'm getting that order together and because some of my bobby supplies arrived today I can include some in her grouping. So I'm excited about that. Zion has been Mr Answer Man - telling me everything I need to do - create wholesale order forms, price lists, catalogs, etc. Of course I can't do a huge supply inventory investment without a few sales first so we're getting there little by little. Also business licenses, taxes, etc . . . is it worth all that hassle for the 4.00 butterfly??? I need to keep focused long term. Lots of etsy sellers "quit their day job" and have made it work. So I need to work on promotion, marketing, product designs, skills to create these products etc. And forget the competition - I need a good football coach pep talk right now - "they're running the same plays we are, but we just have to run them better!!!" I think this new line of bobbies will do well. Need to do some "product testing" ei. wear them on my head a few days and make sure they don't fall apart . . . then they should be up this weekend. Next week I've got some custom stuff I'd like to do (started working on a bit of it today and really like the look) so stay tuned! and thank you again to Sis Sharla at Love and Learn Toys.
Big news though . . . my brother-in-law put in a good word for me with his mother-in-law and Sis. Sharla placed a wholesale order for her shop http://www.loveandlearntoys.com/ in Ohio!!! I'm getting that order together and because some of my bobby supplies arrived today I can include some in her grouping. So I'm excited about that. Zion has been Mr Answer Man - telling me everything I need to do - create wholesale order forms, price lists, catalogs, etc. Of course I can't do a huge supply inventory investment without a few sales first so we're getting there little by little. Also business licenses, taxes, etc . . . is it worth all that hassle for the 4.00 butterfly??? I need to keep focused long term. Lots of etsy sellers "quit their day job" and have made it work. So I need to work on promotion, marketing, product designs, skills to create these products etc. And forget the competition - I need a good football coach pep talk right now - "they're running the same plays we are, but we just have to run them better!!!" I think this new line of bobbies will do well. Need to do some "product testing" ei. wear them on my head a few days and make sure they don't fall apart . . . then they should be up this weekend. Next week I've got some custom stuff I'd like to do (started working on a bit of it today and really like the look) so stay tuned! and thank you again to Sis Sharla at Love and Learn Toys.
Chubby Naked Babies

I've made a few butterfly hair bobbies. The orange one is photographed and up in the shop. I had a plan to shoot the burgundy one. The black backdrop was up, I scattered burgundy rose petals and set up Eliya with the butterfly in her hair. There she was in all her fat, soft, plump nakedness. That's when Isaiah got vocal in his objections. "You're going to post those on the Internet! No way! No way! No No No!" Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on your view, the photo shoot was a failure. She wouldn't lay discreetly on her tummy - she wanted to sit up. And she's teething so of course the rose petals kept going in her mouth. I was hoping to get her ham hock thighs . . . ah well, maybe another time. For today I'll just post Isaiah's naked baby pic . . . that's why we take these photos isn't it? to embarrass them when they're older. :)
Monday, July 27, 2009
Choosing a Name
Danny and I are not really good at choosing names. We agreed on Isaiah for our 1st born when I was 3 mo pregnant. . . and we haven't agreed on another name since. My dad's name is Matthew - Danny chose Mathias (a form of Matthew) I thought it was too unusual sounding . . . and I was right - it gets mispronounced all the time. But now that a perfect little boy is attached to that name I love it. Daniel Joseph Ramirez was a cop out. Boy #3 we named after his dad who was named after his dad. Easier then choosing something original. For Eliya I presented him with a narrowed selection of 5 names - he spotted Eliya (pronounced ee-li-a) and from that point on I couldn't get him to review any other names . . . so Eliya it is, and it suits her just fine.
In choosing a shop name I had no inspiration. After I sketched the lady/baby logo, we were messing with Illustrator and he just threw some text in there "J Joy Original" - it looked really pretty but hey JJoy is a DJ in the UK - not the image I wanted! Joy is only my unofficial middle name. My parents added it shortly after submitting my papers. and I don't want the pressure of having to be Original LOL after much discussion (lots of ruling OUT names but not coming up with anything really good) we stuck with JJoyDesigns (plus it wasn't already being used someplace by somebody - turns out that's key) No sales yet so I doubt I'd do my "brand" much damage with a name change at some point. :) Any ideas? Also I don't plan on doing hair thingys forever - will create other items so it's got to be a bit vague.
In choosing a shop name I had no inspiration. After I sketched the lady/baby logo, we were messing with Illustrator and he just threw some text in there "J Joy Original" - it looked really pretty but hey JJoy is a DJ in the UK - not the image I wanted! Joy is only my unofficial middle name. My parents added it shortly after submitting my papers. and I don't want the pressure of having to be Original LOL after much discussion (lots of ruling OUT names but not coming up with anything really good) we stuck with JJoyDesigns (plus it wasn't already being used someplace by somebody - turns out that's key) No sales yet so I doubt I'd do my "brand" much damage with a name change at some point. :) Any ideas? Also I don't plan on doing hair thingys forever - will create other items so it's got to be a bit vague.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Working together
Danny and I worked together for a shipping company for 4+ yrs BC (before children). We worked in different departments - he was floor supervisor and I was IT then Traffic. Because we didn't directly report to each other it worked out well. I enjoyed spending time with him and being with him (did I mention we were newlyweds?) so it was all good. We weren't bossing each other around - and I was a helpmate right away . . . I learnt to forge his signature on useless documents LOL Danny's not a big paperwork guy . . . and I'm not real technical so he'd help me out too ("um, honey, just push the power button.") why was I in IT?? a fluke really, the company was really small and simple when we started so I could run the computers and set up basic workstations but when things got hairy they hired folks with actual IT degrees and I moved to traffic.
and we're working together again! The big joke "this is a lot of work to sell a 4.00$ butterfly!" For 4 yrs now I've been working for alpineaccess.com. It's part time work-from-home call center type work. I do credit card customer service. There is a ZERO noise tolerance. Who wants to give cc info with screaming kids in the background?? So now that I've been have an adorable girl with healthy lungs and no discernable nap schedule I'm not working as many hours. Thus the start of the etsy shop. Craft, design, and sew - which I love to do - and maybe sell a few items to help out. Danny works at a men's homeless shelter - which suits him very well and has been a blessing to the family but there are no bonuses or fat raises to support my fabric addition. :) So I'd like to pitch in a bit if I can. We are blessed in so many ways and truly the Lord provides.
Danny has been helping me set up my shop. We've used Adobe Photoshop in the past for all the wedding/portrait photography but for this we've had to use Adobe Indesign and Illustrator. Lots of fun! Makes me want to sketch and draw and design more graphics. I did the sketch of the lady and baby that makes up my logo. I'm learning to tweek things a bit in Adobe but still can't create things exactly as I picture them in my head. I'll spend hours during the day messing with something in Illustrator then Danny gets home and does it in minutes! I think he's about done helping me with my shop - there's only so much pink swirly polka dots he can stand. Of course now he's got to show me how to add images to this blog and jazz it up a bit. :)
and we're working together again! The big joke "this is a lot of work to sell a 4.00$ butterfly!" For 4 yrs now I've been working for alpineaccess.com. It's part time work-from-home call center type work. I do credit card customer service. There is a ZERO noise tolerance. Who wants to give cc info with screaming kids in the background?? So now that I've been have an adorable girl with healthy lungs and no discernable nap schedule I'm not working as many hours. Thus the start of the etsy shop. Craft, design, and sew - which I love to do - and maybe sell a few items to help out. Danny works at a men's homeless shelter - which suits him very well and has been a blessing to the family but there are no bonuses or fat raises to support my fabric addition. :) So I'd like to pitch in a bit if I can. We are blessed in so many ways and truly the Lord provides.
Danny has been helping me set up my shop. We've used Adobe Photoshop in the past for all the wedding/portrait photography but for this we've had to use Adobe Indesign and Illustrator. Lots of fun! Makes me want to sketch and draw and design more graphics. I did the sketch of the lady and baby that makes up my logo. I'm learning to tweek things a bit in Adobe but still can't create things exactly as I picture them in my head. I'll spend hours during the day messing with something in Illustrator then Danny gets home and does it in minutes! I think he's about done helping me with my shop - there's only so much pink swirly polka dots he can stand. Of course now he's got to show me how to add images to this blog and jazz it up a bit. :)
To Blog or Not to Blog
Generally I'm a private person. Historically I'm known as a bad pen pal and an infrequent emailer. I don't gab on the phone every day . . . we didn't renew my cell phone because I was using less then 50 minutes a month! So why am I blogging now? I've started an etsy shop and thought this would be a good way for customers to get to know me. I'd love to receive feedback from friends . . . and as I've never worked in retail I need all the advice and tips I can get!
Also I realize my children are growing fast. . . and my family is mostly long distance so this blog will help keep in touch . . . Danny can't wait to post football video clips! Did I mention the season is about to begin? So what to expect from this blog? Football, football, and more football for the next few months. Mixed with fabric and flower talk, and shop talk, and the woes and worries of school beginning. Enjoy.
Also I realize my children are growing fast. . . and my family is mostly long distance so this blog will help keep in touch . . . Danny can't wait to post football video clips! Did I mention the season is about to begin? So what to expect from this blog? Football, football, and more football for the next few months. Mixed with fabric and flower talk, and shop talk, and the woes and worries of school beginning. Enjoy.
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