Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Get It Done Sooner

Sometimes you go into something blind not realizing the work involved. Ignorance is costly! Most of my day was consumed with Sooner projects. I like to do my part for whatever my boys are involved in so I volunteered to run the Spirit Cup sales. Next thing I know I'm "Fundraising Mom". Pop Warner requires each team to raise 2700.00 to pay for fields, refs, etc. Then we have to buy games jerseys (approx. $35.00 - 75.00) sock, belts, etc. We need all or most of this by the first game. Snack bar at the practice field, dinner at the field on Thursdays, car washes, Spirit Cup sales, sponsors, etc. We share a field with 2 other football teams so that helps with on the field sales of snacks (which are obtained by begging parents to donate) The spirit cups are easy to sell too (but the $s for the team are a lower percentage then some other products) A nice sturdy hologram cup, dishwasher safe in NFL, MLB, collage, and military designs.

"We just need the logo. We found this on the Internet and need the colors changed from red and black to orange and blue" (all Grand Association is orange) Sounds easy. I've got Adobe. Sure thing. In truth the image is a tiny thing, totally pixilated, really no straight edges. And it's got 4 colors: red, black, white, grey. . . but we can only use 3. So we need to redesign some areas so you don't lose the highlights, shadows, etc that make the shape. We've only begun to get familiar with Adobe Illustrator so it definitely takes us longer then an expert but kudos to my hubby for his patience in figuring things out. He takes over when I give up. In the end a lot of it had to be done "by hand" ei. no filter to magically fix it . . . and believe me we tried them all! The logo does look good though - a masked horseman riding pell mell. Definition of a Sooner - the whole 40 acres and a mule thing, folks lined up, the gun went off, and it was a race to the land. The Sooners were there sooner . . . because they hid in the bushes up ahead. Just waiting to hear what our motto will be "We cheat to win??" "Full speed ahead??"

I really like his team - seems to be a great set of parents and coaches. The ugly will probably come out later when someones kid isn't quarterback as expected and someones kid only plays 10 plays instead of 20. Every child is a superstar in the eyes of their parents. . . and that's how it should be. :)

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