Reading stuff on the Internet can strip you of your rose colored glasses and crush 'em. . . but it can also add balance and create a more informed perspective.
Two interesting articles on the history of etsy and the demographics of sellers (like me)
All I want to do is sew a few things and glue some pretty baubles . . . to join the refrain "I'm going to keep trying!" I know I'm capable of making SOMETHING work . . . just need to figure out what and developing a business plan and marketing scheme . . . the upcoming craft fair will give me interaction with folks and provide some much needed feedback. We'll definitely be reevaluating this business attempt after the craft shows and holiday season. For now, I'm content to give it a go regardless. . . cause I'm having so much fun :)
Proof people to sell on Etsy.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Mathias was running the ball during a drill and got CRUNCHED! This was a hit that you could HEAR from the sidelines . . . the kind that makes the parents go OOOO AAAAHHH "That was a HIT!" Yup, poor boy, he really felt it. And though "this is football" emphasize the dads - yes, sometimes there is crying . . .

He's got great coaches though . . . he got a drink of water then back to the line up for more drilling. A real trooper. At the end of this practice they went over kick off and kick off return. He's on the kick off return team. I wish I had video. He scooped up the ball and ran it back for a TD. Another time it landed beautifully in his arms and he ran that one back too. Stiff arming, weaving, he was having a great time. Considering that last year he was your minimum 10 play player who spent a lot of time on the sidelines even at practice . . . so it's great to watch him get involved and really enjoy it . . . hmmm except for the hard hits :) I told him "That's about as hard as you'll ever get hit - if you handled that OK - then don't be scared of anyone." He's 56 lbs and kids can be up to 90 lbs. It was one of our bigger players that got him. That's probably what keeps him running fast. :)
Here in AZ we don't call games due to rain. . . we call games due to excessive heat advisories. Who schedules 9 yr olds to play at 2PM in August??? We watched Isaiah play at 10AM and then during the noon game the ambulance had to take 2 kids to the hospital for dehydration/heat stroke. I would have loved to see Mathias play but not in those conditions (112 degrees). During practices he's been at safety, wide receiver, cornerback, and fullback. It's a new team so they are still figuring out where everyone should be. Isaiah is center again and he's getting a chance for some D. He got the first tackle in this game. He played center well, but could have applied more speed on D. They lost 42 - 0 (and this even though the whole second half was played against the second string). It's going to be a long season for his team. Lots of issues but that's a whole 'nother post. :)
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Gratuitous Use of Baby Photos

I haven't posted in a week (baby's been sick - but woke up this mornin' feeling fine) so we're getting back in the groove again . . . we'll kick it all off with gratuitous baby photos. The first few photos were taken on Sunday morning - off to chruch wearing her butterfly - it didn't last thru service - Mathias broke it :( The next few pics are at football practice, she's wearing a skirt I made her that day and a sequined headband of my design - a la Flashdance :) The last few photos are just about the house, flashing her toothies. Her new nickname is "Sharptooth". I tried to fish out a necturine chunk today and she drew blood. That girl is dangerous!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Tick Tick Tick Tick Boom
So it started as reworking an image for a logo . . . and BOOM DYNAMITE!!! It's an entire website! Visit to see the site Danny built for Mathias's team. We'll be adding photos, video, etc as the season begins. He built it (and learnt new things in the process) and taught me some of the admin duties so I can update content for the team. We're excited and Sooner pride has kicked into gear. :) I am nervous about meeting our fundraising goals though . . . I'm sure we'll get it done. We made 300.00 in snack bar/family dinner sales just this week. Isaiah was at a car wash for his team today and they made 500.00. The Sooners have 2 car washes planned for later this month. A parent brought in the first sponsor check yesterday for 250.00 and a few others mentioned they'll be getting some. Another parent already sold thier entire form of spirit cups and asked me for another one. . . so I'm feeling a bit more optimistic.
The kids look really good at practice - not the disorganized mess you'd expect from 7-9 yr olds. I'm not sure they know offense from defense but it looks like the coaches are trying to teach it - good luck to 'em. Each coach is assigned a group of kids to mentor - Mathias got his first call from his mentor coach today. Other than Memere and Pepere and Nana I don't think he ever talks on the phone to adults. Isaiah heard him saying he wanted to do some recieving and that he'd played safety before. The Sooners have two groups "Rhinos" and "Cheetahs". Mathias has been practicing drills with the Cheetahs so he'll probably be defense. No positions are assigned until the boys are in full pads and tackling. That'll start on Tuesday.
I haven't been to any of Isaiah's practices but I know he dumped a bucket of water on a cheer girl at the car wash "she told us to do it" and at Friday's practice while racing neck and neck he did a full body dive at the end in a crazy attempt to win. Isaiah never does anything in half measures . . . not when it can be done loudly and wildly. But he's settling in (a whole new team) he's got a few of his old teammates and seems to be getting to know the others.
We went to Meet the Teacher at school. All three boys will be going to the same school! finally! We ran into an old classmate of his (he'd gone there for several years) He's looking forward to seeing them all again. His buddy told him the girls are crazy this year. I really liked his teacher and like the way everything is online - meaning I'll be able to view the grade book whenever I want! But that shouldn't be a problem . . .
Chubber-roo is asleep in my arms - Tick Tick Tick Tick Boom, she's just dynamite. :)
The kids look really good at practice - not the disorganized mess you'd expect from 7-9 yr olds. I'm not sure they know offense from defense but it looks like the coaches are trying to teach it - good luck to 'em. Each coach is assigned a group of kids to mentor - Mathias got his first call from his mentor coach today. Other than Memere and Pepere and Nana I don't think he ever talks on the phone to adults. Isaiah heard him saying he wanted to do some recieving and that he'd played safety before. The Sooners have two groups "Rhinos" and "Cheetahs". Mathias has been practicing drills with the Cheetahs so he'll probably be defense. No positions are assigned until the boys are in full pads and tackling. That'll start on Tuesday.
I haven't been to any of Isaiah's practices but I know he dumped a bucket of water on a cheer girl at the car wash "she told us to do it" and at Friday's practice while racing neck and neck he did a full body dive at the end in a crazy attempt to win. Isaiah never does anything in half measures . . . not when it can be done loudly and wildly. But he's settling in (a whole new team) he's got a few of his old teammates and seems to be getting to know the others.
We went to Meet the Teacher at school. All three boys will be going to the same school! finally! We ran into an old classmate of his (he'd gone there for several years) He's looking forward to seeing them all again. His buddy told him the girls are crazy this year. I really liked his teacher and like the way everything is online - meaning I'll be able to view the grade book whenever I want! But that shouldn't be a problem . . .
Chubber-roo is asleep in my arms - Tick Tick Tick Tick Boom, she's just dynamite. :)
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Get It Done Sooner
Sometimes you go into something blind not realizing the work involved. Ignorance is costly! Most of my day was consumed with Sooner projects. I like to do my part for whatever my boys are involved in so I volunteered to run the Spirit Cup sales. Next thing I know I'm "Fundraising Mom". Pop Warner requires each team to raise 2700.00 to pay for fields, refs, etc. Then we have to buy games jerseys (approx. $35.00 - 75.00) sock, belts, etc. We need all or most of this by the first game. Snack bar at the practice field, dinner at the field on Thursdays, car washes, Spirit Cup sales, sponsors, etc. We share a field with 2 other football teams so that helps with on the field sales of snacks (which are obtained by begging parents to donate) The spirit cups are easy to sell too (but the $s for the team are a lower percentage then some other products) A nice sturdy hologram cup, dishwasher safe in NFL, MLB, collage, and military designs.
"We just need the logo. We found this on the Internet and need the colors changed from red and black to orange and blue" (all Grand Association is orange) Sounds easy. I've got Adobe. Sure thing. In truth the image is a tiny thing, totally pixilated, really no straight edges. And it's got 4 colors: red, black, white, grey. . . but we can only use 3. So we need to redesign some areas so you don't lose the highlights, shadows, etc that make the shape. We've only begun to get familiar with Adobe Illustrator so it definitely takes us longer then an expert but kudos to my hubby for his patience in figuring things out. He takes over when I give up. In the end a lot of it had to be done "by hand" ei. no filter to magically fix it . . . and believe me we tried them all! The logo does look good though - a masked horseman riding pell mell. Definition of a Sooner - the whole 40 acres and a mule thing, folks lined up, the gun went off, and it was a race to the land. The Sooners were there sooner . . . because they hid in the bushes up ahead. Just waiting to hear what our motto will be "We cheat to win??" "Full speed ahead??"
I really like his team - seems to be a great set of parents and coaches. The ugly will probably come out later when someones kid isn't quarterback as expected and someones kid only plays 10 plays instead of 20. Every child is a superstar in the eyes of their parents. . . and that's how it should be. :)
"We just need the logo. We found this on the Internet and need the colors changed from red and black to orange and blue" (all Grand Association is orange) Sounds easy. I've got Adobe. Sure thing. In truth the image is a tiny thing, totally pixilated, really no straight edges. And it's got 4 colors: red, black, white, grey. . . but we can only use 3. So we need to redesign some areas so you don't lose the highlights, shadows, etc that make the shape. We've only begun to get familiar with Adobe Illustrator so it definitely takes us longer then an expert but kudos to my hubby for his patience in figuring things out. He takes over when I give up. In the end a lot of it had to be done "by hand" ei. no filter to magically fix it . . . and believe me we tried them all! The logo does look good though - a masked horseman riding pell mell. Definition of a Sooner - the whole 40 acres and a mule thing, folks lined up, the gun went off, and it was a race to the land. The Sooners were there sooner . . . because they hid in the bushes up ahead. Just waiting to hear what our motto will be "We cheat to win??" "Full speed ahead??"
I really like his team - seems to be a great set of parents and coaches. The ugly will probably come out later when someones kid isn't quarterback as expected and someones kid only plays 10 plays instead of 20. Every child is a superstar in the eyes of their parents. . . and that's how it should be. :)
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
The Daily News
I've told myself I would write everyday. There was no great break through today - just a little bit of everything. I got my 3rd sale and in talking to my brother-in-law it was another referral of his. He's doing freelance web business related work right now. It's great to have his support and promotion. I've gotten lots of compliments on the shop but an equal amount mention they only have boys. I'm working on sewing a few boy things but I've got some interfacing, serging, and hand sewing vs machine issues to work through first. But I definitely like the look of my first prototype. I've stocked up on shipping supplies and assembled another set of bobbies. I plan to photograph and post those tomorrow. I plan to organize my paperwork/record keeping a bit more. After 3 sales there isn't much to organize but it would be smart to have a system in place for when things pick up. Also need to plan some kind of Christmas promotion etc.
Enjoying the last few days at home with the boys. Got roped into fundraising for my son's football team - yikes - never done that before. But hey everyone needs to pitch in - so I'll do my best. Lots of moms helping so it shouldn't be too bad. Off to bed, my super model is getting her beauty rest and she'll be up at 530AM so that's the news from Lake Woebegone - where all the women are strong, the men are good looking, and the children are above average.
Enjoying the last few days at home with the boys. Got roped into fundraising for my son's football team - yikes - never done that before. But hey everyone needs to pitch in - so I'll do my best. Lots of moms helping so it shouldn't be too bad. Off to bed, my super model is getting her beauty rest and she'll be up at 530AM so that's the news from Lake Woebegone - where all the women are strong, the men are good looking, and the children are above average.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
All Babies are Cute - Even the Ugly Ones
I've discovered what advertisers have known years - put a baby in the picture and you'll gain consumers attention. (babies sell everything from toilet paper to water) I have 2 postings in my etsy shop that show my baby model - and both photos have lots more "views" then any other listings. This means I've got to do a full photo shoot for every 4.00 barrette??? I don't think so! She is due for her 8mo pictures though. When I took her to the park, I had really been focusing on getting the hair items displayed - not so much on the overall look of her in the pic. And it's way to hot to venture out now - 109+ degrees - yikes. Puppies, and kittens, and beautiful women are great advertising ploys too but I'm thinking I'll have to stick with babies. And as she's the only girl I've got - I need to make do with a hair model who only has 3 strands of hair. . . so the ponytail shots will be a few more years in coming.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Jump Start the Brain

I know why Mr Riz (my English teacher) did crosswords everyday. He was exercising his brain. I've been sweeping out the dusty corners and stretching the tissue. To complete my first wholesale order I had to create and adapt a slew of Excel spreadsheets - it's been years since I really had to do anything with it! With the assistance of my dear Mr. Answer Man and ehow I managed to create a bunch of informative spreadsheets - all linked and pulling information from hither and yon and crunching and munching numbers. I added widgets and gijets to my blog with the help of my 11 yr old computer enthusiast son. And all by myself (queue 80s soundtrack) I managed to reassign my scratch disk (after ignorantly assuming this was a computer thing not a Photoshop thing) and complete some photo editing to post the new bobby pin sets. I could complain and whine that it's all so frustrating but instead I'm grinning like a kindergartner saying "Learning is FUN!"
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