Thursday, September 3, 2009

Ordinary Drama

Money makes the world go round . . . and causes lots of problems along the way! I don't spend too much time at my oldest son's football practices because I'm involved as a team mom on the other son's team . . . but there is major drama concerning money raised and where it went. I don't gossip the sidelines but the bits I've overheard and the great defensive (more like offensive) pronouncements made by coaches at team meetings seem to signal general unrest. Of course a 0-36 lost doesn't go down well . . . no matter how pretty the team uniforms! The other teams parents are beginning to pipe up as well. Our "main" team mom will bring a breakdown of money in and out to pass out to parents. Even with all our fundraising, we'll still have to cough up half the cost of the boys jersey. So we'll see how this goes over tonight . . .

My sister-in-law always said I'm full of ideas . . . that never go anywhere! Very true. I'm having a hard time deciding exactly what to do for the craft fair and etsy. I should really focus on a few things instead of bits of everything. This week I'm been sewing a lot of little girls skirts. Very cute, designer fabric. And to keep costs down, these are just scrap pieces I've picked up at a warehouse place. The odd size pieces means I have to be more creative in what I do with them. I don't have a set pattern and buy the supplies accordingly. If the skirts are a hit, I plan then to design a "line" and purchase those supplies in bulk wholesale. It'll be easier to "make to order" just a few select designs then a slew of OOAK items. I'm working on a few little girl models and need to organize some props and do a few photo shoots - advertising style. I'm excited about doing that - I always have fun taking pics. It's still a bit hot out, but an evening shoot should be good. And of course in the back of my head I know I'll need to do some printing, tags, signs, labels, some stationary type items from my sketches etc.

And on the home front . . . all is well. The boys are settled into school (chess will be starting soon) and baby is growing. She crawls around while I sew. Today I got a peek at her mischievous side - she'd unplug my sewing machine while I was sewing and then giggle as I crawled under the table to reconnect. . . and I had to rip out a seam because she crawled over the foot pedal.

There's squawling in the hall way . . . the kids are home and need a referee. :)

One of the parents was "written up" for comments made at the game on Saturday.

Looks like half the games were blow outs. Danny explained it to me. This is what happens when you have coaches leave the league with their best players for another league. The "left overs" get lumped together with the "first timers" to create new teams. These teams will almost always have a rough year when playing against established teams that have been together for several years and maybe even play together in the off season elsewhere. This leads to drama all around - the drama that caused the initial coach to dismantle his team and leave (my oldest had been with these guys for 4 yrs) and then the drama of dissatisfied parents on the new struggling team. . . of course coaching decisions, athleticism of the players, etc all have something to do with the outcome on the field. Most kids just play sports to have fun and be with thier friends . . . why the parents get involved is a whole 'nother story.

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